Saturday, December 20, 2008

The year in review...

2008 was Fast & Furious
  1. We have decided to adopt a baby. Yes, I mean a baby not a puppy. A real live baby! NO, I did not say a BABY ALIVE!! That's a doll for gosh sakes.
  2. We pondered about open adoptions, closed adoptions and surrogacy.
  3. We found an adoption agency and a wonderful social worker.
  4. We sold our condo that was high in the sky.
  5. Actually, we sold our condo to 3 different people 3 different times. Many showings and contracts later we unloaded that "little piece of heaven."
  6. We purchased a home in a urban family friendly setting.
  7. It seems we have taken on a whole new life very different from our fancy parties and travels far away.
  8. Many decorating choices and paint samples later... we are settled in our new home.
  9. We filled out stacks and stacks of adoption paperwork. I thought it would never end!
  10. We completed our home study (I'll explain more about that later).
  11. We completed our life book "profile" and birth mother letter. This took forever!
  12. After all was said and done... our profile was officially ready to present to potential Birth Mothers on October 14, 2008. We're going to have a baby!!!
  13. Oh, I (Brandon) Turned 40!!! Remember when you thought 40 was old? SHUT UP!!
  14. Somehow we acquired another chihuahua puppy. That's another long story, but we now have a pair!
  15. By the way... I (Brandon) officially became a Catholic. There is a lot to consider before having a kid!
  16. In between all the chaos we laughed, cried and thanked god for the 17 years we have spent together as a couple.
  17. We continue to work on the baby's nursery and complete various projects. The project list grows daily... sewing projects, felt mobiles, non-traditional baby books, birth mother mementos, blogs and the list goes on and on.
  18. We also read and suck up as much knowledge as we can about babies. What will life be like after our baby arrives?
  19. And finally... we wait! Each day we learn more about patience and wait and wait some more. We wait to be chosen and we wait for fate to shine upon us.
  20. Oh, did I tell you... WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A BABY!!

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