Hi! I stumbled onto your blog in the bizarre way one does while searching the internet for something else completely unrelated. I browsed a bit and found myself deeply moved by your family story. I just want to let you know you are wished all the best, from a stranger in Pennsylvania. Back to my original search for paintings at the Bayou Bend museum. . . .
Please help me! Read just the homepage & then, if you can find it in your heart to help, share this website everywhere you can think of, ask others to share it, please tweet WITWIK www.where-in-the-world-is-kaydance.jigsy.com signed, Desperate to find Kaydance.
Congratulations...what a lovely family. All the best to your sharply dressed little tribe!
Hi! I stumbled onto your blog in the bizarre way one does while searching the internet for something else completely unrelated. I browsed a bit and found myself deeply moved by your family story. I just want to let you know you are wished all the best, from a stranger in Pennsylvania. Back to my original search for paintings at the Bayou Bend museum. . . .
Please help me! Read just the homepage & then, if you can find it in your heart to help, share this website everywhere you can think of, ask others to share it, please tweet WITWIK
Desperate to find Kaydance.
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